Electronic waste or E-waste is an exponentially growing problem. The shrinking in size and increase in power of today's electronics, presents an ever growing waste problem. Proper recycling and reuse is something that we all need to participate in. Below is a partial list od the items we recycle.
Computers Desktops Laptops Servers All Cables (USB, Power, Etc.) Monitors (Flat Screen Only) And More!
Media Cell Phones Tablets Video Game Systems VCR and DVD Players And More!
Office Printers Copiers UPS Battery Backups Telephone Systems Cords and Wires And More!
Other All Circuit Boards Routers Lithium Ion Batteries Lead Acid Batteries Cable and Satellite Boxes And More!
Items we don't take CRT Monitors Televisions Household Batteries (AA, AAA, C, etc.) We currently can not accept these items for recycling.